When it comes to delivering health care, our Ronald McDonald Care Mobile takes a holistic approach.
We deliver dental education, which reduces overall dental costs, addresses behavior and lifestyle choices and helps motivate families to improve and maintain a healthy smile.
Our Ronald McDonald Care Mobile
provides screenings, varnish and sealants. We also provide free dental exams and preventive treatments to underserved children.
Coming Soon…
Vision, Hearing, and Autism screening
Family Health Centers of Southwest Florida was approached by Ronald McDonald House Charities, Lee County Schools, and Hendry County Schools to collectively collaborate and expand FHC’s current services to include vision and hearing screening.
“There is a huge need for hearing and vision screenings. We have children sitting in rooms not passing grades due to hearing or vision problems. We need you here at our schools providing the exams” .

Help us meet the healthcare needs of thousands of children throughout Southwest Florida. Your support will go directly to help fund the Care Mobile services.